Secure Summer Teleworking: Cybersecurity Tips to Protect Company Data

Teleworking has become a common practice today, offering flexibility and convenience. However, during the summer, the security of business data can be compromised due to various cyber threats. As a cybersecurity consulting firm, we present actions that put data integrity at risk and solutions to keep it safe.

Next Generation VPN with Two-Factor Authentication

We deploy an advanced VPN using strong encryption protocols, such as IKEv2/IPsec or WireGuard, to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of communications. Two-factor authentication (2FA) using biometric methods or One-Time Password (OTP) tokens adds an additional layer of security to ensure that only authorized users can access the network.

Data Exposure Through Unsecured Devices

Telecommuting from anywhere in the world increases the risk that access to company data from unmanaged devices, such as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), lacks adequate security measures, such as up-to-date security settings or storage encryption.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) Platform and Containerization

Implementing an advanced MDM solution enables enterprises to control and manage devices remotely. Through containerization, business data is kept separate from personal data on the device, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and that selective wiping can be performed if the device is lost or stolen.

Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks

During the summer, phishing attacks experience a significant increase. Cybercriminals take advantage of the season’s relaxation and distraction to launch targeted malicious campaigns. Security awareness and training are vital to protect against these threats.

Advanced Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing Tests

Social engineering training and simulated phishing tests orient staff to the methods used by attackers. In addition, conducting controlled phishing tests will assess the level of awareness and provide additional training when needed.

Lack of Updates and Patches

With the vacations, you are likely to forget or postpone critical updates and patches for your operating systems and applications, which can leave vulnerabilities unresolved and prone to attack.

Automated Patch and Upgrade Management

Through the use of automated tools, the timely application of patches and updates is ensured, addressing vulnerabilities and reducing exposure to potential attacks. In addition, this practice minimizes manual intervention, optimizing time and IT resources. The right choice of tools and effective planning of updates are essential to ensure the proper functioning of the IT environment.

Summer telework security must rely on cutting-edge technologies to mitigate risks. As such, the projects we recommend range from implementing a state-of-the-art VPN with two-factor authentication, an advanced MDM platform with containerization, detailed security awareness training and simulated phishing tests, to automated patch management. These measures enable companies to maintain the integrity and security of their data even when working remotely.