
Your Personal AI Workspace


Secure space aligned with business objectives, staff needs and Artificial Intelligence capabilities.

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Discover how to apply AI to your business with Minte. Our platform analyzes your company’s data, provides real-time personalized answers to daily questions and generates content and reports.

    Our Mission

    Empower the Workforce

    Democratize access to Artificial Intelligence in the workplace, creating a secure and reliable environment.

    Current Challenges

    AI is not reaching all companies, underscoring the need to democratize this technology.

    Modernization and updating of knowledge about business processes and worker training.

    Knowledge management in companies is one of the main challenges. 

    A secure environment is necessary for employees working with internal data.

    MINTE is a platform that generates a secure space aligned with company goals, worker needs, and AI capabilities.



    Access control, content and user permissions.


    With Minte, you can ask questions, generate content, and search.


    Develop your ideas and share with your team.


    Learn processes and knowledge.

    Content Import

    PDFs, Excel, CSV, Web, Databases, APIs

    Updated Data

    Work with your updated information.


    Enterprise Ready


    Multiple Models

    Text, Audio, Image


    Multiple Providers

    AWS, Azure, Mistral, Claude, OpenAI, Local LLMs, and many more!


    Multiple Environments

    Work in the cloud (SaaS) or deploy on your infrastructure (OnPremise)

    Super Powers for your Team,

    Increased Productivity with your Data

    Use Cases

    Multiple Industries & Departments

    MINTE is used in different departments such as Sales, Finance, Product Development, or the entire company, also in multiple industries such as Retail, eCommerce, Restaurants, Services.


    Content Generation

    Marketing teams use Minte for generating social media posts using company data, creating and sharing with creativity.

    Operational Efficiency

    Employees can get immediate answers to their questions, reducing wait time and improving productivity with 24/7 availability.

    Resource Optimization

    Automating responses to frequently asked questions relieves the burden on human resources staff, resulting in a more economical long-term solution.

    Employee Satisfaction

    By facilitating immediate access to relevant information, employees can feel more empowered and capable of efficiently performing their tasks.

    Feedback Collection

    Collecting and analyzing questions asked to the chatbot can offer valuable insights into employee needs and concerns.

    Creativity Empowered!

    Through multiple artificial intelligence models, the team will be able to create, innovate, or develop new ideas about business, marketing, even creating reports.

    How to Get Started

    Step 1

    Import or connect with your sources of information.

    Step 2

    Invite colleagues and configure the security of your data.

    Step 3

    Start using and discovering what Minte can do for you.

    Free Access to Minte AI


      Alicante Science Park,

      03690, Spain

      If You Prefer, We Will Call You