Case Study

AWS Cloud Migration and Platform Automation

The company Gioseppo is constantly growing, so it needs to increase the traffic of its platform and the necessary resources to offer the best sales service to its customers.


Company Name: Gioseppo


Solution: Migration of e-commerce to the AWS Cloud

We based our solution on migrating the store to a cloud environment with elastic scaling. For this, we relied on a set of services offered by AWS, which we integrated to facilitate the platform’s migration. We chose this solution due to our extensive experience in migrating eCommerce platforms that require scalability. This approach has been successfully implemented in numerous renowned eCommerce sites that are currently profitable, providing a strong guarantee of success for this project.


Project Objectives & Technologies

The objective of the migration is to obtain a scalable, highly available, secure, fast, and automated platform. All these features were achieved using AWS technology.

The development of the project employs the following technologies:


  • Terraform: Enables agile platform definition.
  • Bash: Facilitates the automation of the environment and repetitive administrative tasks.

    Platform Architecture

    Most of the architecture is developed as code, since the cloud allows us to create the infrastructure in this way. The use of technologies that allow us to define the platform as code allows us to replicate environments, accelerate changes, version the platforms and be more resilient in case of disaster.

    For the development of the platform as code we have mainly used Terraform technology.

    The migration to the cloud provides stability to Gioseppo’s eCommerce. This improvement enhances its positioning and image with suppliers and customers, thereby strengthening its online presence and corporate image.

    This design can support large workloads and automatically scale the application. It also increases platform resilience, improves maintenance agility, and reduces costs.


    Shall we talk?

    Contact us and find out how technology helps people who want to boost their business.


    Alicante Science Park (UA campus extension)                 Alicante, 03005, Spain