Technological Trends That Took Center Stage in 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, the inevitable question arises: What have been the most prominent IT trends this year? The exponential acceleration of technological development over the past twelve months will not only continue, but is likely to reach its peak in 2024. In this context, a review of the most relevant IT developments is essential.

Artificial Intelligence Advances

Throughout 2023, Artificial Intelligence has maintained its leading role in the technological landscape. Noteworthy trends include the development of generative AI, capable of generating text from commands, and advancements in explanatory AI and ethical considerations.

Enhanced personalization in customer service.

Internet of Things and Cybersecurity

The expansion of IoT devices spans various industries. There is a growing emphasis on reinforcing the cybersecurity of these devices, given their increased utilization.

Protects data integrity in industrial environments.

Evolution of Machine Learning

Machine learning continues to evolve with a focus on automated machine learning (AutoML). This automation streamlines iterative tasks such as data cleaning and parameter selection, making machine learning more accessible.

Streamlines data analysis processes.

Independent 5G Networks

The development of independent 5G networks is a key trend, offering broader coverage and lower latency. This enhances the user experience and supports technologies such as autonomous vehicles and precision robotics.

Optimizes connectivity in manufacturing environments.

Edge Computing

This trend involves processing data closer to its point of creation to minimize latency and increase speeds. Edge computing is becoming particularly important in healthcare and manufacturing to improve patient outcomes and reduce supply chain delays​​.

Real-time analysis and faster diagnostics.


Blockchain technology is seeing increased adoption in supply chain management and financial services. It provides a secure and reliable transaction history, aiding in real-time tracking of goods and streamlining banking and lending processes​​.

Transparency in the supply chain and reduces financial fraud.

Smart Spaces

The use of AI and IoT technologies to create intelligent and responsive environments is on the rise. Smart spaces involve automated management of areas such as lighting and temperature, enhancing efficiency and safety​​.

Optimizes resource management and reduces energy consumption.

Homomorphic Encryption

This encryption method allows for the computation on encrypted data without needing to decrypt it first, enhancing data security and privacy without interrupting business processes​​.

Protects confidential information during financial transactions.

Automation in Smart Homes and Cities

The increasing adoption of IoT devices in homes and cities drives greater automation and connectivity. This improves energy use, security and sustainability.

Efficiently manages public lighting and optimizes energy consumption.

Robotics and Automation

Robotics is moving towards more sophisticated robots with greater sensory capabilities and a focus on human-robot collaboration, increasing safety and efficiency in a variety of industrial applications.

Collaborative robots to improve efficiency in production lines.

These trends highlight the industry’s continued transition to more interconnected, intelligent and efficient IT solutions, driven by advances in AI, IoT, 5G and other key technologies that will continue to be upgraded and enhanced in 2024.