Case Study

Database Migration to Amazon Relational Database Service

Diversual was affected by the workload of user requests it was receiving. The solution is a Database Migration to Amazon Aurora, improving its capacity and an autoscaling that allows the platform to perform optimally under irregular traffic peaks.


Company Name: Diversual

Para gustos, los juguetes: así es la nueva colección Diversual Colors

E-commerce Database Migration To Improve Platform Capacity

Diversual was in the full expansion and growth of its online sales business. But they had a bottleneck in their e-commerce infrastructure: when they started a marketing campaign, traffic increased too fast and their web infrastructure was not able to handle the load. Therefore, they required a Partner with experience in e-commerce solutions that would allow them to help their e-commerce to grow to the level of their market projection.

They approached us to support their existing e-commerce platform, as well as to be their infrastructure specialists and help them with the migration. In this Database Migration the following applications were moved to the new platform: Pelican and Prestashop eCommerce from Diversual.

The objective of the new platform is to be able to undertake the marketing campaigns launched without having service downtime due to the increase in traffic. This evolution had to include new services and solutions to improve the architecture and guarantee the high availability, fault tolerance and scalability of the platform.

Proposed Migration & Database Architecture 

Help the client to migrate the platform by deploying a server for Prestashop and the database was stored on Amazon Aurora. In addition, deploy an automatic system to allow vertical scaling using Lambda.

The services used are EC2, Aurora, Lambda, CloudWatch and VPC.

The Cloud Levante team’s solution consisted of:

  • Platform migration to Amazon RDS to improve capacity.
  • Autoscaling that allows the platform to perform optimally during traffic peaks.

Highly Available Solution Adaptable To Traffic Peaks  

Amazon Relational Database Migration Service enables e-commerce to improve platform capacity, improve end-user service speed, high availability and reduce TCO. Diversual achieved a more flexible service through Amazon Aurora. This allows them to scale up their infrastructure in times of need and scale down in times of slower activity.

    Deploy Automatic-Auto Scaling System

    This resulted in a more flexible service through the cloud that allows them to expand their infrastructure in times of need and reduce it in times of low demand.

    Auto-scaling allows Diversual to scale cloud services, such as server capacities or virtual machines, up or down automatically, based on defined scenarios such as traffic and utilization levels.

    In this way, they can continue to grow their campaigns without limit and reduce platform costs when traffic decreases.

    Outcomes of Project & Success Metrics



    A scalable platform that adapts easily to the real business: the ability to take the load when traffic increases too fast improves the performance of the platform.


    Cost Saving

    Only pay for the resources you need when you use them. Automatic disconnection of development environments also contributes to cost savings.



    Unify disparate data to be accessible by different techniques: automated processes, customer teams and third parties can have global control of the infrastructure.


    They meet project deadlines and ensure that the timescales are in line with the needs of the business.

    They respond quickly to any setbacks, drawing on their extensive experience in cloud environments, and adapt quickly to different situations on a case-by-case basis. They manage client expectations honestly and communicate clearly and professionally at all times.

    Fernando Martínez

    CEO, Diversual


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    Alicante Science Park (UA campus extension)                 Alicante, 03005, Spain