Case Study

Cloud Development for a Attention Disorder App

The University of Alicante, through a research project on ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), commissioned us to develop an app to collect the data generated when a patient ask a battery of tests.


Name: University of Alicante

Universidad de Alicante – Cluster de la Energía

Application for Data Analysis 

  • Data analytics system to follow the patient. 
  • Evaluation and treatment platform.
  • React and Node JS development.
  • Serverless Platform.
  • Cloud Development.
  • Design and UX.

The aim of the application is to obtain information using data analysis methods to reach conclusions that will help the user.

Through the application, and with the follow-up of a psychologist, the patient has to develop a series of batteries. The batteries help the patient as a treatment. In addition, the same data obtained by the batteries help the psychologist to follow up the evolution.


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Alicante Science Park (UA campus extension)                 Alicante, 03005, Spain