Well architected practices that ensure excellence 

In recent years, we have seen how Cloud Computing has driven Digital Transformation as no other technological disruption had done before. In this sense, we at Cloud Levante set out a few years ago one of the biggest challenges as technology consultants: to put an end to the myths about cloud services and the security with which systems developed in Cloud Infrastructures operate. How? by applying Well-Architected Practices.


We chose the AWS Well-Architected framework encouraged by the assurance that it has been used in tens of thousands of workload reviews. As a result, it can ensure that the infrastructure for any application is secure, resilient, and high-performing.

Main feature: keeping architecture up to date and mitigating risks effectively

In Cloud Levante we work to avoid unnecessary costs for our customers, so the infrastructure grows as business needs increase. Cost-optimized workloads use all resources, achieve the desired business outcome at the lowest price, and meet all necessary functional requirements. Working with the Cloud Levante team to apply the best practices of the cost optimization pillar of the AWS Well-Architected framework allows you to learn how to design workloads, select relevant services, configure and operate services. In addition, apply cost optimization techniques at each stage of the process.

Primary Use: Review workloads

Learn how to implement a solid foundation of identification: by incorporating the principle of minimum privilege and implementing segregation of functions with the corresponding authorization for each interaction through AWS resources. Discover the value of traceability: monitor, alert and audit actions and environmental changes, in real time. Learn how to automate security best practices: Grow safely, quickly and cost-effectively by working with secure architectures.

Working with Cloud Levante is protecting your data in transit and stored. Our team classifies the information according to confidentiality levels and uses mechanisms such as encryption and access control when appropriate. This reduces or eliminates manual data processing. It also reduces risk when handling sensitive data.

Why apply safety best practices?

The security practices that we apply in all projects, and recommend to our clients, are essential for the correct protection of information and systems. Without a doubt, the way to continually meet business objectives and regulatory requirements. By creating and using systems that incorporate the best practices of the AWS Well-Architected security pillar, our team develops, independently or in collaboration with the customer’s support team, architectures that protect data and systems, control access, and automatically respond to security incidents. And last but not least: it allows you to reduce costs with cost optimization using the Well-Architected Framework.