Students from the University of Alicante participated in a Cloud Security Skills Event

On 31 May, students from the University of Alicante participated in a virtual event on security in the AWS cloud. The training organised by Víctor Adsuar -professor of the Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity- aims to provide the students of the Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity with an in-depth knowledge of the Fundamentals of Security.

The participants learned about security in the Amazon Cloud through the knowledge and experience of Rodrigo Ferroni, security specialist at STAM and expert in AWS security solutions.

Rodrigo provide valuable information on how AWS security services can keep critical data and information secure, as well as compliance and confidentiality requirements.

Undoubtedly a great session where to deepen in important concepts of AWS Cloud Security such as:

  • Identity and access management
  • Detective controls
  • Infrastructure protection
  • Data protection
  • Incident response
  • Regulatory compliance

Finally, there was a workshop on AWS threat detection and incident response where students were able to have a more practical and real vision of what they had learned. Cloud Levante is delighted to organise learning sessions and to have the collaboration of Cloud AWS experts. Therefore we plan to hold future events expanding into the different areas of importance in Cloud technologies.