Cloud Levante at AWS Summit Madrid 2023

AWS Summit Madrid 2023 is the most prominent AWS Cloud event in Spain. With over 7,000 attendees and technology experts gathered in one place, the Summit was an impressive stage where the latest advancements in cloud services, AI, and machine learning were showcased.

AWS Spain Community at Summit

Cloud Levante, once again, we attended this important event. We met with fellow technology enthusiasts, shared knowledge, and explored the incredible potential of cloud systems. In recent years, we have witnessed how the application of cloud technology has expanded its horizons, driving areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

A more sustainable future and generative AI at AWS Summit Madrid 2023

At the event, we had the opportunity to attend the keynotes where AWS unveiled exciting updates at AWS Summit Madrid 2023. From the start, it was clear that sustainability is a core priority for AWS. As part of the Climate Pledge, the company has committed to meeting the climate change goals set at the Paris Summit, and they will do so 10 years ahead of schedule.

AWS’s sustainable focus is reflected in all areas of its operation, including cloud infrastructure. Their commitment to reducing carbon footprint and using resources efficiently is commendable. At the event, it was highlighted how AWS is implementing innovative technologies and practices to achieve a positive environmental impact.

In addition to sustainability, AWS also emphasized talent development. The company is determined to foster and nurture digital talent in the country. They recognize the importance of training highly skilled professionals to drive innovation in the cloud. The event showcased Dual Vocational Training programs and training initiatives aimed at enhancing people’s digital skills.

AWS also demonstrated its commitment to local communities, highlighting over 19 projects supporting various social causes. Their vision is clear: technology can make a positive difference in society, and as a company, they are committed to being agents of change at a local level.

But technological innovation didn’t fall behind. One of the most exciting aspects presented at AWS Summit Madrid 2023 was the democratization of generative AI. AWS has managed to provide flexibility, adaptability, security, cost efficiency, and business value generation agility through artificial intelligence. Generative AI has become a fundamental tool to drive innovation and enhance efficiency in various industries, and AWS is leading the way in this field.

The Cloud Levante team returned from AWS Summit Madrid 2023 more inspired than ever. The event provided us with the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the latest trends in cloud services, AI, and machine learning, reminding us of the tremendous technological potential at our fingertips. At Cloud Levante, we are committed to technological excellence and will continue to explore the opportunities that the cloud offers us to drive digital transformation in our organizations and society as a whole.